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VISIT OUR GALLERY at 117 E. Kemp Avenue in Watertown; 

or CONTACT US for Custom work to make something special for you, or for us to make repairs/restoration to a damaged piece.

Origins are not certain but as early as 2700 BC colored glass was used for decorative or pictorial designs.   Notably later for church windows & home estates, then homes, businesses, etc. both by painting and especially setting contrasting pieces of glass in a lead framework held together traditionally by strips of lead called came  & soldered at the joints. 

 Colored glass is crafted into stained glass windows in which small pieces of glass are arranged to form patterns or pictures held together by either lead or since the 19th century copper foil and solder to obtain intricate shapes.  This admits light through the colored glass while telling a story.  Today there is a revival in the popularity.



The going rate for stained glass is $125.00 per square foot.  A proposal includes a contract with all anticipated expenses. Our proposals & contracts include:

  • Complete pre-design and design services

  • In person presentations and site visits

  • All travel-related expenses

  • Glass & materials

  • Fabrication labor

  • Crating & shipping

  • Installation labor & expenses

  •  Telecommunications, photocopying, mail, overnight services, etc.

  • Fine Art & general liability insurance

  • Maintenance and conservation manual

SHOP our STAINED GLASS available online below;

VISIT OUR GALLERY at 117 E. Kemp Avenue in Watertown; 

or CONTACT US for Custom work to make something special for you, or for us to make repairs/restoration to a damaged piece.

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